Colossians 1 v 16-17
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
This is some of the highest Christology in the New Testament. These verses place Christ above all Creation. Even the pagan gods were never given such a position as this.
The head of the Greek gods, Zeus, was a created deity. He was the son of Cronos and Rhea. So according to these verses, Christ is even above Zeus, which in Ancient Greece would be a bold claim.
In Him All Were Created
We see in Genesis 1 and John 1, that Christ is the Word that God ‘said’ at the beginning.
When St Paul says, ‘In Him all things were created’, he doesn’t mean that Creation is within Christ. But He creates the limits. Jesus places the boundary on reality and establishes the categories. We see this in Genesis 1 where He establishes Heavens and Earth, Day and Night, Seas and Land. Nothing was created outside of this framework.
The way I conceive of it is, God holds the Creation in the grasp of His Hand. He is not part of the created order, but holds it together.
All Things Created
God is not created and therefore not a thing. He is the only uncreated being.
He, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, are the only uncreated persons. Every thing is created, as God is not a thing, he is uncreated.
The ‘thing’ category includes all which has been created. Trees, water, atoms, quantum fields, stars, time, light, humans, angels and demons.
He Holds Creation Together
The Seen and Unseen, are the main aspects of Creation. The spiritual realm is not better than the physical and vice versa. They are both integral parts of the Creation, and are completely integrated.
The spiritual and physical, are held together in Christ (fully God, fully human). Just like He holds His two natures together in the person of Jesus, Christ can hold Creation together as one.
Four Dominions
In verse 16, St Paul gives a list of four dominions: Thrones, Powers, Rulers and Authorities.
Thrones and Powers appear to relate to the spiritual realm. Thrones are the spiritual presence of a ruling entity. It is normally used in the New Testament to talk about God’s Throne.
Powers are influential spiritual entities who exercise control. They tend to be related to divine authorities like angels.
Rulers and Authorities relate to entities who have influence in both the physical and spiritual realms. In ancient times, these would include the kings and pagan gods. In Modern times, we could conceive of them them as governments and supranational organisations.
Christ created all these positions; thrones, powers, rulers and authorities. Not all agree to bow the knee to Him, but none are outside of His judgement.
What About Evil?
If Christ made everything, how can there be evil?
Within Creation, God allows for free will. He gives all humanity and spiritual entities the opportunity to choose Him or reject Him. Without free will, love cannot be given.
With this choice, comes the possibility of perversion. Evil is the perversion of good. This means until this fallen world is no more, there will always be evil.
Through God’s grace and mercy, He gives life to the whole of Creation, even if some choose to reject Him.
You tied that together well!