The Two Yahwehs, in ancient Israelite beliefs.

Grateful the Lutheran Church of my youth didn’t shy away from the Old Testament.

The Angel of the Lord! (Jesus, pre-incarnate).

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Those who believe Christ was just a man are not Christians, and ‘early’ Christians are the same today as they were then, confessing the faith once delivered to the Apostles and still confess the correct Christology as revealed by the Lord Jesus that He is the second person of the trinity, co-eternal and of one essence with tge Father. The true faith is the same as it ever was, as is Christ himself. This is the true Orthodox Catholic (that is to say, Universal) Christian faith. There is no ‘modern’ Christianity only deviations from the true faith.

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Great read. And yes, the Angel of Yahweh is the second person of the trinity; pre-incarnate Jesus of Nazareth.

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Fr. Peter Heers is doing an extensive lecture series on a book written by Athonite monks called “The Mystery of Christ”. That book (which will be published in English at the end of the lecture series) covers this topic of the pre-incarnate Christ and his manifestations in the Old Testament extensively.


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